Thursday, August 27, 2009


I finally got a summer job this year and it was amazing! I was able to ride all day everyday in sunny, muggy Maine at Meadowview Equestrian Center!
Meadowview Equestrian Center
Riding everyday in English was pretty hard but I got used to it and started to really like it. I took several dressage lesson and wish I could have taken some jumping lessons, but I got to spend my days with 25 horses and was able to ride/train two and exercise/ride one. I can't say which horse was my favorite, even though it will probably be very obvious when people see the amount of pictures I took of this boy. Here are some pictures of the horses I spent some time with....

Rocky- a 16.1 hand Morgan Standerbred. He was an awesome horse, fun to work with but his trot was killer! After several days of circles and working with a different bit, I could actually sit his trot. He would be a better lap dog but he would make an amazing one person horse after some more time undersaddle. He was very fast and loved to please and was with out a doubt one of the best horses around, but he really needed a lot more saddle time. He was amazing on the trail. proof and loving would be the two words I would use to describe him. Previously, Rocky had been at a horse dealer's place who used him for trail rides and all-around pleasure riding.

Gulliver- was a complete highlight of my life in Maine. He was a furry little goofball who was too cute to get mad at, even though he did some pretty mischevious stuff. Gully was an incredibly smart 13.2ish hand, 6 year old haflinger/welsh pony. He was completely greenbroke, maybe had one or two people on him. He had never, to my knowledge, been bitted or saddled up, but he was pretty easy and agreeable. He did have some crazy/fast moves but chose to never use them with me on him. Like I said, he was a smart pony. Gulliver's story was that he was bought as a yearling by a woman who had thought she would have time to train him. When he came to the age of being trainable she became pregnant. This year she found out she was pregnant again and decided that Gully needed to be put to use.
Taz... where to even begin with him.... all that I have to say is that no matter how much I loved working with Rocky and Gulliver, Taz stole my heart. Maybe money does count but this horse shouldn't of have a price on him. I have never in my life seen a horse as fluid and beautiful as this guy. Riding him was just as amazing as watching him. As I warmed him up for the first time ever I was thinking about how just his walk was different from anything I had ever felt. It was long, purposeful and powerful. He loved to go and he loved to go fast. Even if I had not actually ridden English for seven years he made it easy for me.

I hope Christmas comes soon this year because this is the only thing on my wish list!

Maine was totally different from Alaska. It gave me a chance to experiance things s in AK haven't been able to do. The horses I worked with were great amd the people were even better! I was offered a training/stable hand job for next year and I think I will probably take it as long as all the arrangements go smoothly. The one thing about Meadowview that was really different from Alaska was that most of the barn staff was people under the age of 25. It was really nice to work with people my age. I really enjoyed my stay and hope to make it back next year!